Purchasing management

We help you save with your purchasing. We even save you from purchasing in the first place.

The quality of your product depends on the quality of raw materials and components. It is therefore really important to choose the right suppliers. On request we will find a suitable provider for you or act as the advisor at your side. We also proceed with a make-or-buy analysis to see whether making the product is a conceivable alternative to buying it. We handle purchasing transactions on your behalf or in your name on a national, European or global scale. We know just what the market is like thanks to our years of experience and the close cooperation with our affiliates in the Far  East. This also puts us in a good position for negotiating prices. We keep our sights on the future production process already when considering raw material extraction or component manufacturing, and intervene at this early point in the proceedings where necessary.

Expertise pays off when selecting the right suppliers. In euros, dollars and yens.